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Admissions Screening

Preschool (K3 & K4)

Family interview appointment will be set when application is turned in to the school office.
       * Appointment will be rescheduled if required admissions forms have not been received.


At least one parent must ascribe to SHCA's Statement of Faith.

Prospective student must be three, four or five years old by September 1st of the school year in which they are applying for enrollment.

Prospective K4 and K5 students must undergo admissions testing. No testing is required for K3.

Prospective student will not be accepted if they have been expelled from another school or daycare.

Prospective student's will not be accepted if their parent/guardian owes delinquent tuition or fees to another school or daycare.


If a prospective student is accepted they will not be permitted to attend their first class session until all fees are paid and all admission forms are received. (Please refer to the "Admissions Process" for required admissions forms.)


All students must be fully potty-trained prior to admission in SHCA 


Students who have been awarded a FTC, FES-EO or FES-UA scholarship will need to provide documentation as required by the school when submitting an application.This would include IEP's, matrix numbers and an award letter depending on which type of scholarship the student has. Families who do not submit these items may potentially not be considered for enrollment. 

Elementary Grades - Grades First Through Fifth

Family interview appointment will be set when application is turned in to the school office.
       * Appointment will be rescheduled if required admissions forms have not been received.


At least one parent must ascribe to SHCA's Statement of Faith.


Prospective 1st grade student must be six years old by September 1st of the school year in which they are applying for enrollment.

Prospective student must undergo admissions testing.

Prospective student will not be accepted if they have been expelled from another school.

Prospective student will not be accepted if their parent/guardian owes delinquent tuition or fees to another school.


If a prospective student is accepted they will not be permitted to attend their first class session until all fees are paid and all admission forms are received. (Please refer to the "Admissions Process" for required admissions forms.)


Second through fifth grade students have teacher recommendation forms that will need to be turned in with the completed application.


Students who have been awarded a FTC, FES-EO or FES-UA scholarship will need to provide documentation as required by the school when submitting an application.This would include IEP's, matrix numbers and an award letter depending on which type of scholarship the student has. Families who do not submit these items may potentially not be considered for enrollment. 

Middle School & High School - Grades Sixth Through Twelfth

Family interview appointment will be set when application is turned in to the school office.
       * Appointment will be rescheduled if required admissions forms have not been received.


At least one parent must ascribe to SHCA's Statement of Faith.


Prospective student must undergo admissions testing.

Prospective student will not be accepted if they have been expelled from another school.

Prospective student will not be accepted if their parent/guardian owes delinquent tuition or fees to another school.


Prospective student should have a Biblical Salvation Testimony.

Prospective student is expected to attend Spring Hill Baptist or their church at least one service a week.


If a prospective student is accepted, they will not be permitted to attend their first class session until all fees are paid and all admission forms are received. (Please refer to the "Admissions Process" for required admissions forms.)


MS and HS students have teacher recommendation forms that will need to be turned in with the completed application.


Students who have been awarded a FTC, FES-EO or FES-UA scholarship will need to provide documentation as required by the school when submitting an application.This would include IEP's, matrix numbers and an award letter depending on which type of scholarship the student has. Families who do not submit these items may potentially not be considered for enrollment. 

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3140 Mariner Boulevard Spring Hill, FL 34609

Phone: (352) 683-8485


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